• RPGs offer immersive experiences in vast fantasy worlds, allowing players to go on exciting quests and battle a variety of enemies.
  • Classic RPGs like Dragon Quest 4, Final Fantasy 4, and Secret of Mana set the standard for the genre with their innovative gameplay mechanics and storytelling.
  • The RPG genre continued to evolve in the 90s with games like Darklands, Chrono Trigger, and Baldur's Gate, pushing the boundaries and creating memorable gaming experiences.

Out of every form of entertainment available today, video games are the most immersive. They allow players to enter into incredible worlds and go on amazing adventures like no other medium. No game genre does this better than role-playing games. Often set in vast fantasy worlds, RPGs allow players to go on exciting quests, explore large maps, and battle with a variety of different enemies.

10 Great Dark Fantasy Co-Op Games
The following games boast wonderful dark fantasy settings and allow players to fight through them with a friend.

The genre has evolved a lot over the years. With graphics improving and computers becoming ever more powerful, developers today can create some truly complex and breathtaking worlds for players to enjoy. RPGs have been around since the early days of video games. Some of today’s most famous franchises made their start in the 1990s, and at the time, were at the forefront of gaming, innovating the genre and setting the standard for years to come.

Dragon Quest 4


Dragon Quest 4: Chapters Of The Chosen
Platform(s)Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo DS, PS1, Mobile

The fourth installment of the Dragon Quest series kicked off the 90s in style. It was one of the best-selling games of that year, as well as a critical success, winning several awards. The Dragon Quest franchise started its life back in 1986. At the time, it was considered the first console RPG, and would set the standard for RPGs over the coming years.

Dragon Quest 4 would change things up, with the game being split into five different chapters, each distinct from the other. Each chapter centered around a different companion, who is connected to the main hero. The final chapter brings all these stories together as the group sets off on their main adventure. Dragon Quest 4 allowed the franchise to continue and expand, with several spin-off games following.

Final Fantasy 4


Final Fantasy 4
Platform(s)Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, Android, Game Boy Advance, PS1, SNES

The Final Fantasy franchise is one of the most famous series in gaming history and is still going strong today. Beginning its life in 1987, the series has grown and evolved to become the institution it is today. In 1991, the fourth installment was released to critical acclaim and financial success.

5 Darkest Side Quests In Final Fantasy Games
While the main plot of any final Fantasy game is bound to take a dark turn somewhere, these side quests tell some of the franchise's darkest stories.

Final Fantasy 4 allows players to control many varied characters, go on several different quests, and battle enemies in real-time combat, instead of the more common turn-based style of the time. It was praised for its dramatic storytelling and outstanding graphics. Final Fantasy 4 is considered a landmark moment for all RPGs that would follow.




The early nineties had already seen some groundbreaking RPGs released to critical acclaim. In 1992, Darklands was released to mixed reviews, with critics praising it for its open-ended gameplay and complexity, but criticizing its multiple bugs.

Set in the 15th century around the time of The Holy Roman Empire, players can battle their way around medieval Europe, finding various quests along the way. This historical RPG may have had a rocky start but would go on to be considered one of the best entries in the genre. It was highly influential on the famous Elder Scrolls series and continued the 90s track record of strong RPG releases.

Secret Of Mana


Secret of Mana
Platform(s)Switch, PC, iOS, Android, SNES
Genre(s)Action RPG

1993 would bring RPG gamers another classic title, Secret Of Mana. This RPG is set in a high fantasy world, where the three heroes attempt to stop the main villain from conquering the world. Like earlier Final Fantasy releases, the game incorporated real-time combat over the more common turn-based style, which allowed for more fluid gameplay.

On release, Secret Of Mana was widely successful and became the second best-selling game of the year in Japan. The game would help to further popularize the RPG genre in the West. It is now considered one of the best games ever made.

Final Fantasy 6


Final Fantasy 6
Platform(s)Switch, PS4, PC, iOS, Android, Game Boy Advance, PS1, SNES
Developer(s)Square, Square Enix

In 1994, the sixth entry in the long-running Final Fantasy series was released to more critical acclaim. It became the best-selling game in Japan in '94 and further cemented the franchise as an industry heavyweight. It is now considered a landmark moment for the RPG genre.

The game has fourteen playable characters and centers around the fight to end a military dictatorship. It was highly praised for its compelling storytelling, modern graphics, and excellent gameplay. Final Fantasy 6 was the end of an era for the series, as it would be the last mainline game to be released on Nintendo until 2018.

Chrono Trigger


Chrono Trigger
Platform(s)PC, iOS, PlayStation (Original), Android, Nintendo DS, SNES
Developer(s) Square Enix

Entering into the mid-nineties, RPGs were still going strong. Chrono Trigger is a time-traveling story, where players explore various dungeons, forests, and cities. The game was made by the same developers who had worked on both the Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy series previously. Like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger incorporates a real-time combat style, although a turn-based option is also available.

The game was released to critical acclaim and became the second best-selling game of the year in Japan. The game was praised for its more simplistic mechanics, which would make it more accessible to a wider audience than more complex RPGs. It is still widely considered to be one of the best games ever made.

Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall


The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
Developer(s)Bethesda Softworks

The Elder Scrolls franchise is one of the most beloved game series in history. It has been an entry point in RPGs for many gamers, with later titles, such as Oblivion and Skyrim, still being widely played today. In 1996, the series was in its infancy. With the release of Daggerfall, the Elder Scrolls pushed the genre further than ever before.

The Elder Scrolls: The 6 Worst Provinces To Live In, Ranked
When looking to purchase a house in Tamriel, buyers should avoid these provinces like the Corprus disease!

Unlike many games on this list, Elder Scrolls is played from a first-person perspective, which allows for deeper immersion and close-up action. Daggerfall is set within two provinces of the Elder Scrolls setting of Tamriel, High Rock, and Hammerfell, which players can freely explore. The game was released to critical acclaim, with its high-level graphics and realism being particularly praised.




1997 would see the release of another title that has become one of the biggest franchises in gaming. Before Bethesda took over, Interplay Productions released the classic post-apocalyptic game Fallout. Moving away from the standard fantasy setting, Fallout is set in a desolate, futuristic environment after a nuclear war has destroyed society.

On release, the game received widespread acclaim, winning several awards, including Role-Playing Game Of The Year. An instant classic, the game was praised for its original setting and open gameplay. It has since spawned a long-running game franchise, as well as a soon-to-be-released TV show.

Baldur’s Gate


Baldur's Gate
Platform(s)PC, macOS

With the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 and its subsequent critical acclaim, this series has risen to the very top of RPG titles in modern gaming. Way back in 1998, the series was first unveiled to the world. Baldur’s Gate is set within the Dungeon and Dragons setting, in the Forgotten Realms, and uses modified rules from the 2nd Edition of the tabletop game.

Loose Baldur's Gate 3 Story Threads That Would Make Great Homebrewed D&D Campaigns
Baldur's Gate 3 leaves several loose story threads behind that would be great if modified into homebrewed Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.

Players can create their character and choose from a range of abilities and classes. They can then venture out to find quests, explore various locations, recruit companions, and battle dangerous foes. The game was highly praised on release and helped to define role-playing video games for a whole new generation.

Planescape: Torment


Planescape: Torment
Platform(s)Switch, PS4, PC, Xbox One
Developer(s)Black Isle Studios

1999 may have been the end of the millennium, but it wasn’t the end for great RPGs. Planescape: Torment is another role-playing game based around the Dungeons and Dragons setting and uses the same engine as Baldur’s Gate. The game centers more on storytelling than on combat and follows an immortal who is trying to retrieve his memories, as he forgets everything upon death.

Although the game wasn’t financially successful on release, it was critically praised, quickly becoming a cult classic among fans of the RPG genre. With its dark setting, intriguing characters, and engaging storylines, Planescape: Torment is now considered one of the best RPGs ever released.

The Best Modern-Day JRPGs, Ranked
Modern JRPG titles still definitely live up to older classics. Here's a look at the best of the genre from the last few years.

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