Arguably nobody alive – or indeed ever – recalls watching Dixie Dean with as much passion, enthusiasm and detail as Paul Trevillion and the artist, who celebrates his 90th birthday today, credits the Everton legend with giving him his positive outlook.

Trevillion modestly cites another city of Liverpool icon, Dingle-born comedian Arthur Askey, one of the many stellar names he has worked with, as giving the best eye witness accounts of Dean but he was a grown man when the prolific marksman was in his pomp. As we concluded our special edition of the Royal Blue podcast last month, he told me: “I’m 90 years of age, I can’t grow old. I’d like to grow old, I’d like the people to say to me: ‘You’re doing well old boy,’ but nobody says that to me, thanks to Dixie!

“I asked him was there ever a point when he was taking a penalty that he changed his mind when he was running up. He said: ‘No, as soon as the penalty was given and I was given the responsibility of taking it, immediately it was going in on the left or the right side but I would make that decision the moment it was awarded.’

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“I tried to find out from Joe Mercer was there ever a time that Dixie sort of looked at you and said: ‘It’s going to be tough.’ He said: ‘No, never once did he say it’s going to be tough or we’ve got a battle on today.

“He always had that positive outlook, he was 100% positive, nobody could have scored nine goals in the last three matches (to break George Camsell’s record) except Dixie Dean.”

I’m deadly serious when I say for all the matches I’ve reported on and interviews I’ve conducted with players and managers for the Liverpool Daily Post and then ECHO since 2005, I believe making the long trek to Trevillion’s studio to capture his thoughts on Dean for posterity before returning in time for Everton’s home fixture with Crystal Palace is honestly the biggest contribution I could ever make to the most-passionate city in English football.

The passage of time ensures those who watched the man who netted the never-to-be-beaten record 60 League goals in 1927/28 have now dwindled to a precious few but while Trevillion didn’t see Dean up close until the latter stages of his Blues career, the picture he paints of that day – and his later face-to-face meetings with Goodison’s greatest son – are as vivid and colourful as the wonderful illustrations he has produced of the biggest names in sport over a stunning career that spans over 70 years.

In what appears to be a rare moment of self-doubt after we finish, Trevillion tells me that he talks too much but given the plethora of information he’s enthusiastically crammed into my time in his company, this is the only glaring inaccuracy he makes. Sure he talks a lot – I’m privileged enough to be given a 45-minute guided tour of the treasure trove of items that inhabit his creative space before the camera even starts rolling for a further 50 minutes of near-breathless footage – but I’m happy for my interludes in the conversation to be fleeting because when you’re in the company of genius and such an accomplished raconteur, you’re left hanging off every word.

I might be able to control this interview only slightly more than I can control the weather (the maestro walks off camera and out of the room to go find a piece of his work at one point) but in little more than 90 minutes – plus allotted stoppage time – I’m blessed to be on the receiving end of a whistle-stop tour of Trevillion’s incredible lifetime of 90 memorable years. He tells me his artistic talents were first spotted by his mother who believed he was trying to make shapes with his food as a baby but his cynical father – the man who took him to see Dean play but someone who was also “very hard”, throwing his rubber into the fire when he was eight, telling him: “You weren’t concentrating” (he still doesn’t use one) – wasn’t so sure.

Such discipline has stayed with Trevillion though. While he’s just a few weeks off being four score years and 10 when we meet, he proudly shows me how he can still cut a piece of board like a machine with his steady hand that was also famous for his perfect putting having also been urged to take up golf by scratch player Dean.

Trevillion, who was the mastermind behind Leeds United’s number tag socks and players’ names on their tracksuit tops as Don Revie’s side tried to improve their image, got the better of everyone in the Yorkshire side’s squad in a putting challenge ahead of their 1972 FA Cup final triumph against Arsenal and tells me: “I never missed from 4ft, I always putted to 6ft. Any borrow on the green, I took it out with the speed of the ball, back of the cup.”

On the windowsill of Trevillion’s studio there is a handwritten list of composers who died young, complete their ages like the 35-year-old Mozart but he points out that the great artists like Michelangelo (88) keep on going for much longer and his own doctor cheerfully predicted he can go ton up. I share such confidence, I’m half his age and tower over him but the playful taps on the arm he gives me while we’re in conversation have still got plenty of force behind them.

While I’m no art critic myself, along with his unrivalled ability to capture elite athletes in action – he is dubbed ‘The Master of Movement’, the title of an exhibition of his work showcased at The Strand Gallery in London a decade ago – in an era in which many of the younger generations are obsessed with using filters on their photographs, I’d describe the way Trevillion draws faces as showing the subject accurately but also in the best possible light. That’s something he certainly did with his sketch of another of his childhood inspirations, Winston Churchill, one of only two portraits of himself that Britain’s Second World War leader ever signed.

Graham Sutherland’s commissioned picture of Churchill, which the politician sat for in his second term as Prime Minister, was unveiled to him in front of both Houses of Parliament at Westminster Hall for his 80th birthday in 1954 but was hated by both the subject and his wife with Lady Churchill later admitting she’d had it burned. In contrast though, Trevillion’s more cheerful likeness produced the following year struck the right chord.

Dubbed “a boy from the Blitz” by Churchill when they met because in contrast to many other London children he wasn’t evacuated, Trevillion recalls his inspiration for the drawing by declaring: “All I could think of was Winston Churchill with his victory sign and his smile.

“I used to go to bed and say: ‘We’re going to win the war, we’re going to beat Hitler, we’re going to win the war, we’re going to beat Hitler… That’s what I believed all the way through the war, that smiling face.”

Having been summoned to meet Churchill at the Bernard Sunley Buildings so the sketch could be signed, Trevillion remembers some advice he was given, which takes us full circle back to Dean. He said: “Churchill told me: ‘You must be original. Never ever give up.’

“He said: ‘You will never advance in life if you follow in somebody else’s footsteps, be original.’

“Elvis Presley was an original, everybody copied Elvis, the same with Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe. Dixie Dean is the ultimate original.

“When I met him I wanted a positive mindset. When I finished talking to Dixie, after that first meeting, I left and I believed 100%.”

In turn, that’s how anyone who also spends time in the company of the great Trevillion also feels.

  • Look out for a special photo story and interview later today as the secrets of Everton legend Dixie Dean's illustrated life story are revealed by Trevillion over 60 years on

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