BBC Springwatch fans have been left gutted after Chris Packham issued an announcement over the show's future. The BBC Springwatch star has confirmed there will be Autumnwatch this year - in a brutal blow to viewers.

The final episode of Springwatch aired last night and Chris confirmed the series will not be back until 2025. Co-star Michaela Strachan said: "I hate to tell you, that has brought us to the end of the show... There's never been a dull moment."

Chris said: "We want to thank everyone here at RSPB and all of the staff, all of the volunteers and all of our partners who have helped with the programme - particularly the scientists that we have rung up in the middle of the night."

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He added: "Thank you for all of the photographs, the clips and the questions you have sent in." He added: "We will be coming back for Winterwatch 2025 in January. But in the meantime, we want to leave you with some of the most heartwarming, some of the most beautiful, some of the best moments of this extraordinary spring which we've had the privilege of enjoying."

In reply to the announcement, social media users voiced their upset. One disgruntled fan of the long-running BBC series hit out and said: "Please BBC bring back Autumn Watch, this content is genuinely what I pay my TV Licence for."

And a second agreed, rushing to write in reply to the announcement from Packham: "We want Springwatch to have its Autumn Watch show back! We cannot wait until 2025!" It didn't end there, either, with another saying: "Can't believe we have to wait until January for our next wildlife instalment whoever axed Autumn Watch needs to rethink what the licence payers want."

They then demanded "Bring it back! "

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