• Dr. Mario may actually be a separate character and potentially a third brother alongside Mario and Luigi, with hints from games like Super Smash Bros Melee.
  • There are signs that Yoshi could actually be from the world of Pokemon, given his design and ability to lay eggs, similar to how Pokemon behave.
  • Shy Guys may be hiding their true identities because underneath their masks, they're actually hideous monsters, possibly victims of experimentation by Bowser and his Koopa Kids.

The Mario games aren't exactly well known for their captivating stories. Nintendo often decides to purposefully keep the plot vague so that it doesn't get in the way of the fun and engaging gameplay, but this has also had the opposite effect since a lot of fans have created many theories over the years to try and make sense of the Mario universe, and the many characters who occupy it.

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Some of these theories can feel a little outlandish and whacky, while others seem eerily real, to the point where they have become more or less canon in the minds of many fans because of how many hints are presented in the games. Mario fan theories are always a lot of fun to discuss, so it's time to take a closer look at some of the most popular ones to uncover why exactly so many people have decided to believe in them.

Dr Mario's Real Identity

It's Been Subtly Implied That Dr Mario Is Potentially A Third Brother

Dr. Mario
Platform(s) Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy Advance, SNES, Game Boy
Released 1990-07-27
Developer(s) Nintendo
Publisher(s) Nintendo

For a long time, fans have assumed that Dr. Mario was simply everyone's favorite Italian plumber dressing up as a doctor, but there are some that believe that he's actually someone else entirely, and maybe even a third brother alongside Mario and Luigi. There are a few hints to this being the case, such as in Super Smash Bros Melee where Dr. Mario is actually a lot heavier and more hard-hitting than his counterpart, and his hair is also slightly lighter and more blonde than Mario's too.

There's also the issue of Mario actually being able to find the time to become a doctor, since, whenever fans get to see him, he's always either rescuing Peach or venturing around the Mushroom Kingdom in his classic red get-up. It's also mentioned in Dr Mario 64 that this character actually goes around medically healing people in the Mushroom Kingdom, something that has never been mentioned for Mario himself, so there does seem to be some big inconsistencies between the two.

Yoshi Was Originally A Pokemon

There's No Denying That Yoshi Would Perfectly Fit The World Of Pokemon

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Platform(s) Wii
Released 2010-05-23
Developer(s) Nintendo EAD
Genre(s) Platformer

It's well known that Nintendo likes to mix and match a lot of their IPs, with a prime example of this being the inclusion of Chain Chomps and Goombas in Link's Awakening. However, while it isn't actually confirmed to be the case, there are a lot of signs that point to Yoshi actually being from the world of Pokemon. His green cartoonish dinosaur design is admittedly a little unorthodox even for the Mario universe, and the only thing he can say is his own name, just like a Pokemon.

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It's also been shown throughout the games that Pokemon are able to lay eggs, which is another very big part of Yoshi's character. Similar to how a Pokemon will willingly use their HM and TM abilities to assist their trainer, Yoshi also does the exact same thing with Mario who will willingly jump on his back, similar to how Ash would always hop on Charizard to get to out-of-reach areas in the anime.

Hideous Shy Guys

There Seems To Be A Shocking Reason Why Shy Guys Don Their Masks

Mario Power Tennis
Platform(s) Wii, GameCube
Released 2004-10-28
Developer(s) Nintendo SPD, Camelot Software Planning
Genre(s) Simulation, Sports

Shy Guys are without a doubt one of the most mysterious enemies in all of Mario. They are very recognizable for their small stature and muffled voices, but one of their most distinctive features is actually their masks. If a Shy Guy loses their mask in the games, they are shown to become very paranoid, immediately covering their face before anyone can get a glimpse at their true identity.

It's long been theorized that underneath the mask is actually a hideous monster who's wicked appearance can strike fear into anyone that lays eyes on it. This is actually referenced in Mario Power Tennis where Luigi, after seeing the true face of a Shy Guy, begins shaking in fear. Some even speculate that the Shy Guys are unfortunate victims of experimentation by Bowser and his Koopa Kids, and while this might seem a little dark for a series as lighthearted as Mario, Nintendo has shown that they aren't afraid of tackling these sorts of topics in their games before.

Wario Is A Huge Fanboy

There's Plenty Of Hints Implying That Wario Is Simply An Obsessive Fan

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Platform(s) Game Boy
Released 1992-11-02
Developer(s) Nintendo R&D1
Genre(s) Platformer

Wario was first introduced to the series in Super Mario Land 2 back in 1992, and while he's gone on to become an incredibly beloved character, barely anything has been revealed about his actual backstory. His mean and antagonistic personality can initially make him seem like nothing more than a grumpy man who simply just wants to cause chaos, but there are plenty of subtle hints that have also led fans to believe that Wario is actually a Mario fanboy who's become a little too obsessed with his idol.

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Not only is Wario's costume virtually identical to Mario's, just with a few color swaps, but in Super Mario Land 2, it's also revealed that the castle Wario is occupying was once actually owned by Mario, yet he chose to keep the large statue of Mario still standing in front rather than ripping it down. Therefore, it does seem pretty plausible that the rude and maniacal character fans know as Wario is actually nothing more than a fan who's let his love for Mario get a little out of hand.

Luigi Developed Trauma From Yoshi's Island

Luigi's Scared And Timid Nature Makes A Lot More Sense When Taking His Childhood Into Account

Yoshi's Island
Platform(s) Game Boy Advance, SNES
Released 1995-10-04
Developer(s) Nintendo EAD
Genre(s) Platformer

During the story of Yoshi's Island, players will encounter both Baby Mario and Luigi, but while Mario is kept safe for much of the game thanks to his new dinosaur companion, Luigi isn't so lucky. Instead, Luigi is taken away from his brother and placed in a creepy dungeon where he resides for the majority of the game.

Thankfully, everyone's second-favorite plumber is saved by the end of the game, but anytime fans have seen him on screen in his older iterations, he always seems overly paranoid and scared, especially when coming up against enemies. A lot of fans theorize that the events of Yoshi's Island have actually had a big impact on Luigi's psyche, which would definitely explain his erratic behavior.

Mario Is The Bad Guy

There's A Chance That Mario Has Been The Cause Of A Lot Of Suffering In The Mushroom Kingdom For Many Years

Super Mario Bros.
Platform(s) Nintendo Entertainment System
Released 1985-11-17
Developer(s) Nintendo R&D4
Genre(s) Platformer

Fans of the Mario games have always been led to believe that the character himself is a brave, kind, and kindhearted man who wants nothing more than to protect his allies from Bowser's evil schemes. However, there are a few indications from the early titles that imply that Mario is actually a far more devious and potentially evil character whose actions are a little more harmful than players realize.

The biggest hint towards this theory is in the instruction manual for the first Super Mario Bros game where it states that the inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom had been turned into bricks, the ones that Mario destroys throughout his entire journey. Some fans have even gone a step further and theorized that the coins found within the bricks are actually the souls of the inhabitants, suggesting that Mario is harvesting them to use for himself. Nintendo has seemed to steer further away from these implications in more recent years, but it's hard not to wonder if they really were aiming to make their lovable mascot more of an anti-hero in his first few titles.

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