Supacell is about to fly onto Netflix with a crash, bang and wallop, and while the supernatural aspects are impossible to ignore, audiences may also notice something subtly special about the series.

The show asks what would happen if ‘ordinary’ Londoners were given superpowers, and they utilised their newfound skills to progress their own lives, rather than save the world as is often tradition with the genre.

While the special effects in the action scenes are noteworthy, they also use special technology that is set to change the industry.

The Arri camera, which has been designed to show Black skin in the most flattering way, is being used for the first time in the UK.

Tosin Cole, who has previously had roles on Eastenders: E20, Hollyoaks, and Doctor Who, is excited to be part of the groundbreaking step forward.

‘You can really just see Black skin shine in its full potential. Everyone with all different shades and tones of Black looks just magnificent,’ he stated to Metro.co.uk at a junket for the upcoming series.

‘The richness in colour is fantastic. I implore more people to use these cameras, and get the best quality for their shows.’

‘The melanin is popping,’ added co-star Nadine Mills about the show that also ensured the lighting, makeup, and production design was geared towards showing the cast in the best way.

Josh Tedeku noted that he’s never seen himself look like that before, and Calvin Demba feels ‘blessed’ to have experienced it.

‘It’s hard for actors to push for it to be used more, but I think there is a call to the industry to maybe think about having more of these things. It’d be great,’ he added.

Toisin, 31, plays Michael, whose character is in a relationship with Dionne, played by Adelayo Adedayo. He is suddenly blessed (or cursed) with powers that, at times, put a strain on the couple.

Believing their love story is an essential part of viewers caring about the outcome of a major plot within the story. Netflix is known for creating epic romances from Bridgerton’s Polin to Emma and Dexter in One Day, and to become the next fictional ship for us all to obsess over, they worked hard on making their chemistry believable.

‘We’ve known each other for a while through the industry, so we conversed between ourselves, and figured it out with Rapman [the creator and director]. We mapped our journey as best we could, and then tried to execute it.

‘Luckily Adelayo had me,’ he joked. Turning to his on-screen partner, he then added: ‘You did a great job. I never gave you your flowers.’

‘I tried very hard,’ she replied with a laugh. We get the sense their natural friendship, and humorous rapport made things a little easier.

Their characters go on a journey as they accept a new normal, but even in their low points, Adelayo, 35, wanted their feelings to be clear.

‘It was really important to us to make sure that when they were clashing or the communication was going awry, you’d still be able to feel the love between them,’ she shared.

‘It was lovely that because we’ve known each other a while, we could just talk openly and try to figure it out together.’

Toisin echoes her aim of wanting it to be a ‘well-shaded and colourful relationship’ that most importantly felt real, a theme that was overriding in the series.

While, the average person can’t imagine being able to time-travel, run faster than the speed of light, or be able to hurt someone without touching them, they still wanted their characters to feel relatable.

The South London-based show introduces us to Rodney (Calvin) harnessing his powers to expand his drug dealing business, Sabrina (Nadine) who wants to protect her sister, and Tazer (Josh) – a man with aspirations to improve his rankings in the local area.

‘The love between the characters is the heart of the show. The power just happens to be on top of that while they deal with their normal lives,’ Toisin explained.

Josh agreed: ‘The powers are a big thing, but it’s definitely a very human story.

‘It feels close to home and it just hits that much harder. People will see themselves in these characters.’

He continued: ‘It’s showing that South London is more than one thing, there’s so many different lives and it imagines what happens if they come together.

‘It makes it feel timeless. You could watch this in ten years’ time and it will still have the same impact.’

‘We’re not telling a sci-fi story. It’s obviously fun to play the superpowers, shoot things from our eyes for the pure entertainment, but it’s more than that,’ Calvin interjected.

Although playing a superhero is a dream for many actors (maybe not Dakota Johnson), there was one part Nadine found tough. Being a UK-based superhero may give the show a gritty realism, but it meant the cast didn’t have the warmest climate to work with.

‘We shot many of the action scenes at night. The weather conditions were really, really cold,’ she recalled.

Nadine quickly added: ‘They were still fun though. When we’d all get together, there was a magic to it.’

Viewers will have to wait to watch the results of their hard (and cold) work in series one as it doesn’t arrive on the streamer until later this month, but Toisin is already dreaming of the next instalment.

‘The finale was epic, but I wasn’t involved in much of the action. I wish I could do more, and so I’m looking forward to a second season,’ he stated. ‘We’ve done all the set-up now so we can just dive straight into it.’

Although it’s not yet been confirmed, the cast is hopeful for more. ‘The way it leaves off, there’s definitely more to these stories,’ Calvin teased.

Supacell will be available to watch on Netflix on June 27

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