• Dungeons & Dragons campaigns can be lighthearted and humorous, providing a break from intense suspense and gore.
  • The campaign modules mentioned in the article offer unique themes and settings for funny adventures, such as fighting a building with legs or exploring the whimsical Feywild.
  • The popularity of franchises like Rick & Morty has led to crossover campaigns that allow players to experience comedic adventures using their own characters and D&D gaming rules.

Dungeons & Dragons campaigns come in all themes, settings, and tones, and the focus isn't always just on suspense or intrigue. The adventure has to be fun, after all, and there are plenty of choices for more lighthearted campaigns when the party needs a rest from the usual explosions, suspense, and gore.

Baldur's Gate 3: Each Companion And Their D&D Moral Alignments
Baldur's Gate 3 holds some exciting companions, each with their own unique desires and sense of morality for Dungeons & Dragons.

Any D&D campaign or module can be funny depending on what kind of Dungeon Master is running the game, but some are more naturally and even deliberately humorous. The following choices are all official Wizards of the Coast IPs, but there are plenty of homebrews that could also fit into this genre for those gamers and DMs who are willing to look.

The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga

Funny And Terrifying

  • Date Published: 1995
  • Author/s: Lisa Smedman
  • Character Levels: 7-20

There are all kinds of stories and legends about the witch Baba Yaga, and this is a twist on the old legend that makes her mysterious, walking hut the main villain of the story. The idea of fighting a building with legs is part of the joke, as it's both silly and dangerous at the same time. This is an adventure for higher-level characters, so it's not for beginners or the faint of heart despite the humor.

The "hut" is enchanted, of course, so there's a huge dungeon hidden behind that shabby little front door. What exactly is waiting for the adventurers is up to the Dungeon Master and Baba Yaga herself.

The Wild Beyond The Witchlight

Indulge In The Whimsy Of The Fey

  • Date Published: September 21, 2021
  • Author/s: Chris Perkins, Stacey Allan, Will Doyle, and Ari Levitch
  • Character Levels: 1-8

The Feywild is both fascinating and dangerous, so don't get too distracted by the laughing pixies and prancing satyrs or the party will come to a messy but hilarious ending. Important locations for ambitious characters include the Prismeer, a domain of infinite delights, and the Witchlight Carnival, which serves as a transport hub to and from other realms.

Tips For Crafting The Perfect D&D Character Backstory
An important aspect of Dungeons & Dragons is crafting the perfect character, and that all starts with the backstory.

These realms respond to emotive powers, so if a character is feeling humorous, the environment near them responds in kind. Imagining the turn this might take for negative emotions, like anger or sadness, and the Feywild is just as terrifying as it is comical.

Dungeons & Dragons vs Rick and Morty

A Unique Type Of Humor

  • Date Published: November 19, 2019
  • Author/s: Kate Welch and Maude Garrett
  • Character Levels: 1-3

The Rick & Morty brand of comedy isn't for everyone, but the popularity of the franchise has prompted several crossovers, including table-top RPGs. There's also a series of comic books based on Rick and Morty's adventures in the D&D universe for those fans who are interested in other types of crossover media.

When players use the adventures included in this campaign module, they're playing the same adventures that are featured in the comic using their unique characters and D&D gaming rules. They can alter the story from the exact details in the books depending on their own characters' decisions.

Waterdeep: Dungeon Of The Mad Mage

Anything Can Happen And It Doesn't Have To Make Sense

  • Date Published: November 20th, 2018
  • Author/s: Wizards Of The Sword Coast
  • Character Levels: 5-20

Dungeon Of The Mad Mage is one of the first and only campaign modules available for characters at such a wide spectrum of levels, especially those who have maxed out at 20, which few ever attain. In this environment, adventuring parties are likely to witness or cause some funny, perilous, and unbelievable events.

Baldur's Gate 3: The Case for a DLC Set in Waterdeep
Baldur's Gate 3's city is one of the most impressive zones in modern RPGs, but a future expansion could see players exploring somewhere even bigger.

The adventures don't exactly lead to the city of Waterdeep but into the caverns beneath it. This is where the Mad Mage, Halaster Blackcloak, has hidden some valuable treasures and secrets. This dungeon, however, is constructed more like the wizard's personal amusement park as opposed to a conventional subterranean maze.

Minsc & Boo's Guide to Stuff and Things

A Flawed But Funny Recollection

  • Date Published: April 1st, 2019
  • Author/s: Rich Lescouflair
  • Character Levels: 8 and up

It's a catalog of sorts that records not only Minsc and Boo's past recollections but also allows the player to experience them with their own character. Some of these stories will be familiar because they include the events of the Baldur's Gate franchise but are told from this simple Ranger's colorful point of view.

This particular tome was inspired by the notorious Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm, who BG3 players will recognize as a failed entertainer, bargain-basement eye doctor, and convenient vendor. Minsc has a similar flare for exaggeration but is much more endearing and lovable.


Proof That Satire Is Dead And A Goose Killed It

  • Date Published: April 10th, 2023
  • Author/s: Paolo Davolio, Vall Syrene, Sandro degl'Innocenti
  • Character Levels: 6-10

It's a parody, with a healthy dose of satire, but these are real D&D adventures and the stories and monsters are both hysterical and brilliant. This campaign module was so popular that it sparked a whole series of monster manuals, adventures, and extra lore on the same fowl theme, like Circle of the Honk, Honkrasque, and Honkland.

The campaign includes some interesting subclasses that reflect the wacky theme. Paladins can take the Oath of Righteous Gander and Rangers have the Goose Guardian option. Beware of monsters like the green Demogoose, or the Megoosa that has a gaggle of geese on her head in place of hair. And it goes on like this.

Dungeons & Dragons
Created by Dave Arneson, E. Gary Gygax
Creation Year 1974

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